Affiche pour bourse de voyage ACLA/CAAL

ACLA/CAAL & Congress 2018 Funding Opportunities for graduate students presenters

Dear graduate students,

The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics / L’Association canadienne de linguistique appliquée wants you to join us at Congress 2018 at the University of Regina! We know graduate students have lots of financial pressures so we want to be sure you know about some funding opportunities that might make your trip a little easier.

  • The ACLA/CAAL First-Time Presenter Graduate Student Travel Award supports attendance of ACLA/CAAL graduate student members at the annual conference. More details about how to apply.
  • Congress 2018 Graduate Student Travel Awards. Fully-qualified graduate students and recent graduates will be able to apply for a subsidy of up to $500 in value towards accommodation, meal, and other costs to facilitate participation at Congress 2018 to present papers, posters, or other creative works related to their research. More information.
  • Regina Transit Services of the city of Regina will also provide free transit passes for conference attendees.

ACLA/CAAL is a fully bilingual academic association promoting research and teaching in applied linguistics in Canada. We want you to make us one of your academic homes so please consider joining us in Regina from May 28-30. The deadline for submission is November 11, 2017.

For more information, please visit our website. If you have any questions about submissions, feel free to contact Francis Bangou, ACLA/CAAL vice-president, at

We are looking forward to seeing you next year at the University of Regina!

Best regards,

Posted in News.