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Congratulations to our collaborators Marie-Josée Vignola and Brigitte Murray for their new article

Congratulations to our collaborators Marie-Josée Vignola and Brigitte Murray for their new article: “From linguistic insecurity to security: Complexity and diversity of contexts“.


Linguistic insecurity has become an important area of concern in recent years, especially in minority-speaking contexts. This interest can be explained, among other things, by the significant consequences that linguistic insecurity can have on individuals’ language practices, social experiences, and educational pathways, as well as on the linguistic vitality of communities. If social institutions, as levers of power, play a definite role in the emergence, maintenance, and reproduction of linguistic insecurity, they can, in turn, play a role in countering linguistic insecurity. That is why it is essential to look beyond linguistic insecurity and study the policies, discourses, practices, and strategies that promote linguistic security.

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